The right
of people (including ‘mature minors’ and the very old) to make informed
decision and formally consent or refuse to consent to treatment in health care
contexts is now widely recognized as a basic ethical and legal precondition to
conscientious medical practice’ and the conscientious provision of nursing care
(Dicken & cook, 2004).
Mohan S. Dhami
Welcome to my blogs
Monday, March 26, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
The Mystery of Mine Friend has Revealed!!!!

years ago I was extremely surprised when I saw one of mine friend has a
mysterious habit to sweep his room apparently more than hundred times a day. He
used to put his broom near his door and try sweeping it in every 10 minutes,
this kind of rituals always made him as funniest character among his entire
friend including me.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Lets’ Talk about Our Grandparent Abuse: Is this really a social problem??
The abuse of children and domestic
violence are two major social problems which have been frequently raising
issues since mid of the 20th century whereas elderly abuse have
remained hidden public issue and made it only private matter. The number of
elderly people is rising because of betterment in health care system and easy
access to sophisticated health technology.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Misconceptions about Older People
In our society, fear of aging abounds. It is no wonder given the predominant and persistently negative views about growing old. This reality is particularly troublesome given the extended vitality and health currently enjoyed by older adults.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
फेसबुकमा नयाँ प्रोफाइल तस्बिर राखेको एक घण्टा पनि भएको थिएन, उसको प्रशंसा शुरु भयो― “यु आर सो ब्युटिफुल, ह्वाट अ लुक, आइज लाइक द स्टार, भिजन एज द डेप्थ अफ सि..., सो सेक्सी..., क्यान यु गिभ मि योर फोन नं...।”
Sunday, September 25, 2011
निर्णय लिदा हुने तनाव कम गर्ने चार उपायहरु ।
निर्णय लिनुको विकल्प के हो त ?
हामी दैनिक कामहरुको शुरुवात गर्नु भन्दा पहिले कुनै न कुनै निर्णय प्रकृयाबाट गुजरिरहेका हुन् छौ । तर कुनै कुनै निर्णयलिने काम त्यती सजिलो हुँदैन । जस्तै आफनै जिवनलाईनै परिवर्तन गर्ने खाले काम्, आफ्नो वरिपरिको परिस्थिति परिवर्तन गर्ने खाले काम हुन या घरपरिवार वा आफ्न्तसँग जोडिएका कामहरु बारे निर्णय लिदा सार्है तनाव हुने गर्दछ जुन मानव जातिको स्वाभाविक प्रकृया भनेर बुझ्नुपर्छ ।
त्यती मात्रै होईन कुनै कुनै बेला त अति समान्य लाग्ने कामहरु गर्ने निर्णय लिदा समेत तनाव उत्पन्न हुन थाल्छ । उदाहरणका लागि तपाईं कुनै साथीको बिहेको भोजमा जानु भयो र त्यहाँ अनेकथरिका भोजनका ब्यन्जनहरु लिने तपाईंको पालो आयो भने पक्कै पनि तपाईंमा तनाव शुरु हुन्छ, जुन धेरै मानिस हरुमा देख्न सकिन्छ । के यो समान्य कुरा होईन र ? माथिका विभिन्न उदाहरणबाट के निस्कर्समा पुग्न सकिन्छ भने कुनै काम गर्दा लिने निर्णयको बिकल्प नै तनाव हो ।
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Biological, Psychological and Social factors, which influence health, health choices and delivery of care
Are you free from disease and illness? Yes! But you are not healthy. Health and illness of an individual is determined by various factors, they may either intrinsic or extrinsic. According to WHO (1948) "Health is the state of complete physical, mental and social well being not merely absence of disease and infirmity.” An individual is not healthy if he is not physically fit, psychologically perfect (free from stress, well sleep patterns etc) and socially normal (healthy social relationship). Your health is determined by these factors or determinants. The determinants of health were first described by Thomas McKeon. The Lalonde report identified 4 major components of the health concepts: human biology (biological factors), health care systems, environment and lifestyle (Glouberman, & Millar, 2003).
Health promotion advocates quickly recognized that an excessive emphasize on life style could lead to a “blame the victim” mentality. Smoking for example is not merely a matter of personal choice but also a function of one’s social environment. In addition these factors not only determine the health of an individual but health delivery system and delivery of care is heavily influenced.
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